Paul Skore

About Paul Skore

Founder & CEO inBeam Technologies

AdminiCare – Integration with EHR

inBeam technologies successfully completed developing a standardized bridge connection to automate long-term care residents data synchronization and connect directly to EHR systems such as PointClickCare , Matrix and many others. By eliminating manual entry of resident and patient information, providers can save time documenting the activities, charges and performance of their clients, improve accuracy, and expedite the flow of critical clinical information while allowing for better life enrichment.   Through this standard integration, long-term providers now have a complete platform that provides both efficient management across the entire resident care lifecycle and the tools and data necessary to manage the growth and [...]

2018-08-13T23:42:39-04:00January 29th, 2017|AdminiCare|

P21DC – Mobile warehouse system for Prophet21

inBeam Technologies released a P21DC application as an add-on to Epicore's Prophet21 Distribution software system. Available 24-hours a day, P21DC is a robust scanning system with an extensive range of tools focused on refining efficiency, improving accuracy, and growing profitability for your organization. Our system is fully customizable to meet individual business needs. Easy-to-use web technology makes the system easy to learn and navigate. Strategic business resources include improving delivery accuracy, providing reali-time delivery status data,improving efficiency, and managing venue streams. P21DC management modules are easy to use. Our software system is conveniently compatible with most Apple devices. Our management [...]

2018-08-13T23:46:04-04:00July 24th, 2016|P21DC|

Fixed Asset Hub – 4 key issues of tracking assets manually

The key issues of tracking assets manually – which schools, districts, and small to mid-sized businesses face – are not uncommon.  Excel simply isn’t designed for effective asset tracking. However, many small business leaders are no longer willing to deal with the annual audit anxiety caused by the following: 1 Slowness.  Entering asset data can take employees hours; especially if extensive detail is required and if the same item’s record must be updated multiple times over the course of the asset’s lifespan. 2 Confusion.  Excel-based systems (or similar spreadsheet programs) involve clunky spreadsheets with many columns that can be hard [...]

2018-08-13T23:49:57-04:00June 24th, 2016|FixedAssetHub|


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